Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wilson's Promontary - atop Mount Oberon

Semester 7 - End of AMS year

What can i say...its been another great semester in melbourne, albeit a rather short one. returning to melbourne from my USA/HK trip, i didn't have much time before i got back into action in the lab. the pressure was on to produce results since i only had a few months left before thesis submission.

lab work has been frustrating at times, but certainly rewarding when u get the graph that you've been hoping for. i must say that i've learnt a lot in terms or working with the locals, being confident enough to present my results at meetings, defending my work, answering questions confidently and in a convincing manner. these, i believe, are traits that are important in future working life.

outside the lab, i was active in the melbourne uni debating club. its been great just being able to have the chance to hone my public speaking skills. i really enjoy building a case around the topic, drawing on my available knowledge of world events, and making a case convincingly. (not to mention all the hot caucasian girls around the club). i exceeded my expectations of myself, earning praise from the adjudicators and fellow debators at some stage.

thats the beauty about australia sometimes...its given me the opportunity to try out stuff that i never got to try in secondary sch/jc, when i was deemed not good enough for some of the sports/clubs.

leaving the job at the gelati shop, i took up a new job as a disability attendent support worker. its not to bad i guess, getting paid to do simple tasks. time passes much faster than in the gelati shop and sometimes i don't even have to stay for the full hour. the job makes me appreciate what i have and not to take life for granted. just being able to stand up and take a pee is a luxury that quadriplegics do not have. its amazing how we take things for granted and live life dangerously at times.

i became closer to the outdoors this semester, going on weekend trips to wilson's prom, cathedral ranges, and the dandenongs. its so refreshing to get away from city life on the weekend and retreat to somewhere where the air is fresh, and population density low. sure helps u to recharge. having a picnic out in albert park with friends was also great.

dad and uncle dominic and aunty esther came to visit this sem too. they were here on business but it was great having them around....got to dine at vue de monde and stay in a hotel for a couple of days. degustation dinner at vue was certainly an experience, though i found it rather pretentious. its great if u are into molecular gastronomy. the presentation was certainly interesting.

i did some community service by helping george kong out with his sudanese eye screening program. we gathered in sunshine on a saturday morning. i felt priviledged once again, to have enjoyed a wonderful childhood, free from fear of persecution and free from the cries of genocide.


Blogger Bafemogigoso said...

hi ...
let me tell you that your blog inspire us to do our one.we have just created our blog cuase we were told to do an especial work at school...

well im leaving ...
best wishes..

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eah update!!! -cuz

10:36 PM  

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