Sunday, June 26, 2005

woke up late today again and missed church service! i really wanted to go to church today for reasons that are not convenient to discuss on this blog! but yea....that's all right...there's always next week.

gave tuition to my younger cousin in the afternoon for 2 hours. i'm pretty lucky to land this temp job for the that i can at least say that i spent some time in the hols trying to earn money....which puts me on the moral high ground sometimes. that i try to earn some of my own pocket money instead of riding on the coat tails of papa and mama's bank accounts all the time.

for tea...i stuffed myself with the famous katong 328 laksa...the one with superb gravy and is apparently the stall which supplies many of the other outlets islandwide.

i was just reading through the sunday times and new paper today and there's this big hoo ha over the girl a.k.a sarong party girl who took nude pictures of herself and posted it on her blog. and i couldn't help but wonder to myself..."WHAT IS THE BLOODY BIG FUSS OVER THIS?" I mean...whatever way a girl chooses to live out her deepest fantasies is really none of anyone's business...and besides...since the blog is hosted on a server in the US, she's under no obligation to take down the pics!

its such a pity that she took down those photos....and i'm not saying this just because i'm a hot blooded male who could do with a little appreciation of divine female beauty. but i'm saying this because i think the reporters here are just making a mountain out of a molehill.

frankly speaking...i think the newspapers are getting increasingly crappy. they dedicate an entire page to all these unimportant and trivial matters. for example, there was this full page feature on whether guys are being sissy by carrying their girlfriends' handbags. i mean...who really gives a damn about these things...?


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