Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I think I haven't changed much since RI days.

When i say that, I'm referring to the fact that I tend to take myself too seriously sometimes. Sometimes, things just aren't as complicated as my mind is, so i really should learn to relax and let loose! It makes life a lot easier and gives more breathing space!

I didn't know it was Rachel's bday today! Was awoken by the sounds of happy birthday whilst in slumber land....as i stumbled over next door, I found myself in a big party, mainly the Malaysian gang. Malaysian's seem so united!

Got my ticket fixed at Qantas today! Yes! I'm going home on the 15th of June!!! Thats barely 6 weeks to go! I think the whole office on Collins St is just overstaffed. The staff to customer ratio in there was like 10 to 1. Talk about competitiveness! I realise here in Aussie land they are less focused on trimming excesses and retrenching staff compared to back home.

Was talking to Lucienne at the bday celebration next door a moment ago. He's from Brunei and was really interested about the stuff we do in the army, esp because we go to Brunei for training. What he then said really struck me. He feels that going through the army really makes one a real man. I'm surprised that there are actually non-Singaporean guys out there who think like that! I've heard that a couple of times from girls before, but seldom from guys. Maybe its because of the male ego factor. But yea...to think of it...we are pretty proud of the fact that we've gone through 2 years of rigorous training. It kind of "beat" us into shape real quick, I must say. We've dealt with really serious stuff like live rounds, grenades, claymore mines, and were thrown into leadership situations where the whole platoon's well being depended on me. Will never forget being the platoon commander of the trench digging exercise. Coming to iHouse after 2 years of these tough experiences, we can't help but feel that we have somewhat grown a bit old for some of these "JC-like" activities.


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