Tuesday, August 02, 2005

first clinical placement today. went to Austin hospital in heidelburg....it was so impressive! wasn't the dodgy, dirty hospital that i imagined it to be, but a modern, bright and architecturally decent building. the wards were pretty much the same as what you would find in singapore hospitals like gleneagles....

it just amazes me how the australian government supports the health care budget if they provide such high quality health care to people absolutely free.

was rather pissed off in the morning as my friend asked me to wait for her. being the good nice guy that i normally am, i waited for her and we ended up missing the train. problem was....the next train was cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances...(apparently this happens very frequently on melbourne's transport system)so we ended up taking a cab all the way to austin and i wasted my daily pass and spent unnecessary money on cab fare.

i mean...if u're going to be going somewhere for the first time....please allow ample time to find the place, instead of attempting to arrive there on the dot.

singporeans / malaysians just need to improve on their punctuality. its time we put an end to "rubber band" timings.


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